Keith Salmon
This has however, simply provided me with even more determination to continue with my artwork. In doing so, I´ve attempted to discover alternative means of working. This has involved experimenting with painting and printing techniques as well as looking at sculpture through a variety of mediums.We moved to Ayrshire in 1998 and by this time I had enough confidence in the new paintings and drawings to once again start exhibiting them. I now have a studio space at Courtyard Studios in Irvine and exhibit my work regularly again.
In recent times I have tried to find ways of working that allow me to overcome the problems inherent in producing very visual material, with very limited vision. I have tried to explore my new and changing view, recording, (using oil paint and pastel) not what I see, but rather how I now see my surroundings.
The paintings have become thicker, the paint at times almost bludgeoned into place, the surface scraped and re-built forming overlapping layers of colour and glimpsed highlights of line and form.